Midnight Samurai

It was under a solar eclipse

we fell in love

in the dead of winter.

I took a chance

on this mystery man.

He offered gifts 

of books and vinyl

he’d been studying me. 

He covered his smile

With his hand

…sweet smiles

that seemed 

to have been

waiting for me

…a part of his plan. 

We laughed


and made time 

stand still.

Had me thinking

if this was all real.  

He made me want to

write poems

about pain

and fresh starts.

I wanted to be his

reason to


his muse

his art. 

I could hear 

a slow melody 

playing in the 

in the coffee shop

that night.

I recognized this song


this is where

we both belong.

He’s my warrior 


fist in the air

guard up

every second

of every day.

Broken winged 


I’ll wrap your


and hold space

for you.

Remove your mask

and lay your body 

on my flowered throne

put down your sword

you’re safe here

make my heart your home. 

A sanctuary from

your battles

I’ll brew 

some oregano brujo & marjoram tea

...stay with me

I love you. 

Nicole Acosta